Because of Molly's condition, we both grew at an abnormally fast rate. One of the side-effects of her diagnosis was that she couldn't go potty and had a very large bladder as a result. Another side-effect was that I also carried more fluid than I should have. By the time she was born, she had a bladder that was 2 liters full of urine and I had a belly that was full of her, the normal amount of fluid, plus 2 liters of extra amniotic fluid. If you think I'm lying about how massive we were, ask anyone who saw us and they'll tell you that I looked like a cow. I hold no hard feelings, only because it was so true! I ended up going into pre-term labor and was admitted to the hospital at the beginning of July. She wasn't due until September 17th, but ended up coming on August 10th. Her poor little belly looks like a little prune because she was stretched out for so long. It will look like that unless she has surgery to fix it. We'll get the big surgeries out of the way before we even begin to worry about that one!
Elijah Will Be Represented at Boston Marathon 2014
10 years ago
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